Press Conference in Rapperswil

Wednesday, 5. April 2023

SinoSwiss Holding informed media representatives in Rapperswil on Wednesday about the plans in Rapperswil and the planned Innovation Center. In a general Q&A session following the presentation, SinoSwiss CEO Dominik Widmer answered questions from the journalists present.

Im Rapperswiler ENTRA präsentierte Dominik Widmer, Geschäftsführer von SinoSwiss, heute vor Medienvertretern die Strategie der SinoSwiss und das darin eingebettete Innovation Center Rapperswil. Dabei erklärte er auch die Hintergründe, die zur Wahl des Standorts Rapperswil geführt hatten. Weiter ging er auf den Prozess und die nächsten Meilensteine ein. Am Schluss beantwortete er Fragen der anwesenden Journalistinnen und Journalisten. 


Strategy of SinoSwiss Holding, founded in 2013

The Swiss SinoSwiss Holding was founded in 2013 with the aim to offer professional local support in Switzerland and China for Swiss companies and startups so that they do not run the risk of being disadvantaged in their business activities in China or with Chinese companies. SinoSwiss has the expertise, experience and networks that enable Swiss companies and startups to successfully do business with Chinese customers, suppliers and investors. To build this bridge between Switzerland and China respectively Asia, SinoSwiss has successfully established the Swiss-Chinese incubation competition, SSBICom, over the past years and opened the SinoSwiss Technopark in Chongqing as a bridge pillar in Asia.


Intention of the Innovation Center in Switzerland

An Innovation Center in Switzerland, as a second bridge pillar, is the next logical and long-planned step in this strategy of SinoSwiss. The concept of the Innovation Center Rapperswil is to be considered in the light of this successful development and overall strategy. The Innovation Center Rapperswil offers premises, base modules and Asia-specific modules for Swiss startups.


Benefits of the location in Rapperswil

The location of the Innovation Center was carefully evaluated. SinoSwiss has identified a need for an Innovation Center in eastern Switzerland and the Upper Lake Zurich area. Rapperswil is still in the Zurich metropolitan area and is therefore the ideal location in eastern Switzerland. In addition, with the property in the Schachen district, a location could be found that is excellently embedded in the regional and national transportation infrastructure. 


Process of many years

The land sale and the submission of the building application planned for mid-April 2023 were preceded by a process lasting many years. SinoSwiss considered the canton of St.Gallen and the city of Rapperswil-Jona to be professional and reliable partners in this process. Constructive discussions have already been held with the existing locally relevant startup supporters. Dominik Widmer is convinced that the Innovation Center is an excellent opportunity for Rapperswil: "The Innovation Center Rapperswil complements the existing support for startups in a meaningful way and closes gaps".

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